Park West School

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a legally recognized body composed of the principal and representatives of teachers and support staff, students, parents, and community members who work together in an advisory capacity to increase the quality of education being provided by the school. The fundamental purpose of the school advisory council is to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities by engaging all partners in an ongoing process of problem solving and shared decision making.  The SAC is not responsible for the daily operation of the school, directing the professional staff, nor does it participate in personnel matters. If parents have issues, concerns or questions they should address them with teachers and school administrators.  

The SAC consists of parents (3), school staff (3), community members (3), junior high students (1 rep for each grade level), and school administration (principal and vice principals).  Parents are elected for a three-year term.  School staff, community members, and students are appointed. 

The Park West SAC is required to meet at least six times per school year, usually on the third Wednesday of the following months:  September, November, January, March, May, and June.   All meetings are at 6:00 pm in the library.  Meetings are open to the public as observers only.  Presentations may be made to the School Advisory Council with prior notice, pending approval from the Principal and Chair.  




What is a School Advisory Council (SAC)?


SACs bring together school stakeholders and individuals from local communities who share an interest in promoting student success. They provide parents/guardians, school staff, community members and when appropriate, students, with a voice to influence decisions that have an impact on student learning and well-being.

As advisory bodies, SAC’s bring partners together to provide principals and regional centers of education (RCE’s) with advice that reflects the best interests of students from the point of view of the school community. SACs receive their authority from the Education Act (2018).
What are some of the Duties and Responsibilities of a School Advisory Council (SAC)?
The duties and responsibilities of an SAC include:
Participating in the creation of the SAC Agreement and by-laws
Collaborating to improve student achievement and well-being
Providing feedback on school practices and initiatives
Providing feedback on provincial policies
Oversite for SAC grant spending decisions
School Advisory Council Agreement Park West School SAC Letter of Agreement
HRCE SAC Documents and Communications HRCE SAC Information

How do I contact my School Advisory Council (SAC)? Karen Saweczko at

Members of our School Advisory Council (SAC) 2022-23

Chair: Karen Saweczko
Parent:  Dinesh Pathak
Parent: Alina Bozhko

Staff Member: B. Landers
Staff Member: D. MacIntyre
Staff Member: T. Riddle
Community Member: Sheetal Ajay
Community Member: Janet Lee
Community Member: Folasade Popoola
School Admin.: B. Anyanwu, A. Stone, A. Ferguson ( Non – Voting )

Student Representatives: one from each of


Grade 7: J. Korseko

Grade 8: M. Drane

Grade 9: V. Kakarla

Meeting Dates & Times 2023-24


Sept 13, 2023

Nov 15, 2023

Jan 17, 2024

Mar 20, 2024

May 15, 2024

June 2024 - TBD


Contact:  you may contact our SAC chairperson, Karen Saweczko at