Park West School

Cell Phone / Pocket Technology Policy - NEW for September 2023

This communication was sent to families in June 2023 in preparation for September 2023:

Effective Sept 7, 2023, students will not be permitted to have their cell phones in class with them.  They are a continual source of distraction for students and often lead to negative social interactions via social media, as well as distractions from schoolwork.  Teachers will take time to review this new policy in September, but we would very much appreciate families talking to students over the summer, so they know to expect this new policy. 
Students may take their phones to school, but they must stay in their lockers/cubbies.  For jr high students, who have lockers, it is very important to keep locks locked and for any elementary students who may have phones, they must decide the best plan for their phones, in consultations with their families as they do not have lockers.  Students will be able to use their phones at lunch.  If a student needs a phone for a medical reason, this will be permitted (with a medical note).
There will be education around why this policy is being put in place, as well as a short grace period to ensure students have a fair amount of time to adhere to the new expectations.  Beyond this, students will have consequences for taking phones to class, which will be discussed. **Park West is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged technology.
Every classroom has a phone and families can also call the main office to have messages relayed.  Students and parents will be able to contact one another, if needed – like the good old days!
We thank you for your support with this.

PW Administration